jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017

Oracle Alert Log Location

What is the alert log?

This log is there to alert you to major events in the database like:
  • When the database was started and stopped.
  • When the database was stopped. 
  • When a log switch occurs. 
  • You can see many other things. 
So the DBA should check the contents of the alert log on a regular basis. 

Alert log Location

The alert log is stored in the directory pointed to by the background dump destination and specified by the background_dump_dest initialization parameter, You can display the location of the alert log directory with SQLPlus or OS commands:

SQL Plus

  1. SQL> show parameter background;
  2. SQL> select value from v$parameter where name='background_dump_dest';


  • UNIX
    • find / -name alert*.log 2>/dev/null
  • Windows
    • dir /s alert*.log

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